Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bad day for Me?

So when I left my last job I was having a hard time finding a new one that would pay enough, so I went with a temp agency, it took about a month or so, but they placed me with the company where I am now. Only, no one mentioned that it was going to be a permanent position. (They have ones like that where you have to work a certain amount of hours under the agency and then you can go permanent with the company you were working with.) So, today, I find out that Friday, this Friday is the last day they need me. Awesome. I'll still get two more paychecks from them, but I dont want to have to wait another month to get another job somewhere. Funding is low these days, especially with gas the way it is. So, Bad day for me.

Also, we got our powerbill yesterday and it went up, $60! Meagan refuses to believe that that increase is due to Blink's saltwater fish tank. Which , btw, requires a water pump and a heater, just to run it. When I brought this up to her, she immediately unplugged the thing. I'm not totally sure, but don't the fish need that to live?

Well, guess I better start job hunting again. Wahoo!