Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Back Online

So a guy from the phone company came and fixed our phone line today, so I can get online now! Wahoo! This means of course that I can continue to update my blog as well as look for a job!

Well, I should also share that we got another bunny. Since all the bunny books say that bunnies need a companion, we felt the need. We also decided to call her Jessica, and change Jesse's name (since he doesn't know it) to Rico.
She is a mini lop dwarf rabbit. Of course we have to get her spayed and Rico neutered, we don't want baby bunnies! Jessica is so much smaller than Rico. I think she is a lot younger. She seems to be doing just fine adjusting to her new home. And once we get the surgeries taken care of I think they will be great companions. She is so funny though, when she runs, her ears just kind of fly everywhere.

Everything seems to be settling down with Meagan. We all had our cooling off period and it appears to be alright again.

I had an interview today over the phone with a check printing company here locally and hopefully I can get a job with them. I need one.

As soon as I can, probably tomorrow, I will put up some pictures of my niece Kharli. She is so sweet. She just turned 8 months old and is absolutely adorable. I think you will love her too.
